Tuesday 28 March 2017

5 Tips to Instantly Boost Conversion Rates

A low conversion rate will waste your efforts to drive traffic to your website. If you can get a thousand people to visit a landing page, you’ll only get 10 new leads if your conversion rates are at 1%.
Typically, if you’ve got low conversion rates, there are just a few areas that need to be tweaked. By making a few small adjustments, you can instantly begin improving the percent of people that complete the desired action on your landing page.
Here’s 5 tips for instantly boosting your conversion rates.
Get Rid of the Jargon
You first need to get rid of the jargon on your landing page. People don’t respond to phrases and words that they don’t understand.
When you’re writing sales copy, you want people to understand your message. Keep it simple.
You need to get rid of the fluff. Here’s a few examples of jargon that needs to be eliminated:
  • State-of-the-art
  • High-quality
  • Powerful
  • Ultimate
These fluff words don’t need to be added, if you have a real value to offer your visitors. Instead of stating that you’ve got a “high-quality product”, you might state that you’ve got a “product that will change how you handle…”
Decide How Your Product is Different
You also need to know how your product or offer is different from your competition. You should never state the obvious in your copy. Instead, focus on what sets you apart. Otherwise, you’re focusing on what makes you the same as everyone else.
For example, if you sell tax preparation software, you wouldn’t list “helps you prepare taxes” as one of the benefits of your software. This is a given.
By focusing on the strengths, you can set yourself apart from the rest of your competition.
Address the Most Common Objections
Write a list of reasons why people may be hesitant to make a purchase on your website. Be honest and come up with the most common objections.
For example, people may be hesitant to purchase from an unqualified source. To address this, you need to explain why you’re qualified to offer your product or service.
Another common objection is that your product may not work for every customer. To address this objection, you should include a variety of customer testimonials.
Write the list of objections and then address them, one at a time. Use this list as a checklist that you go over before going live with your landing page.
Keep it Short
Keep it short. This applies to everything on your landing page. The words, sentences, and paragraphs should all be short. This makes your content easier to read.
Most people don’t read every single line in a sales ad or landing page. They skim through it. Break up your content and use shorter paragraphs.
Make it Easy to Complete the Next Step
Another solution for improving conversion rates is to make it easy for your visitors to complete the next step. Whether you’re having them subscribe to your email list or register for a webinar, the form they fill out needs to be short.
Typically, you should only include the required fields in your form. This includes name and email address. You really shouldn’t require more than 3 or 4 fields. Beyond this, conversion rates start to drop.
These are just a few tips for increasing your conversion rates. You should also try using A/B split testing to try different headlines and calls to action.
Along with these tips, you can gain even more internet marketing suggestions, and a way to generate more sales leads, by clicking here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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