Sunday 5 February 2017

How to Repurpose Your Content Without Getting Penalized

Creating content for your online marketing requires time and energy. It may even require money if you choose to outsource your content creation. So, it’s disappointing when you have dozens of old blog posts that no longer help add to your website traffic.
Luckily, you can reuse your old content. There are numerous ways to repurpose your content without getting penalised by search engines. This includes:
  • Update your content with new facts
  • Compile content into a new format
  • Convert a numbered list into multiple posts
  • Use a combination of these tips
Update Your Content with New Facts
The quickest solution is to update your old content with new facts or information. If you’ve got a post from last year that no longer receives any traffic, you could update it by making it relevant for today.
When you update old content, make a note of your updates at the bottom of the post. Let your readers know that this is an older post that’s been updated. Remember, you should always use honesty in all aspects of marketing.
So, what type of information can you add? This could include new facts, infographics, or you could simply make sure that the content is still applicable today. For example, if the advice that you provided is no longer relevant, you could make changes to make it relevant again.
Compile Content into a New Format
Another solution is to compile your content into a new format. Look for old posts the cover similar topics. They don’t need to cover the exact same topics, but they should at least have a similar theme.
Depending on how many posts you choose, you can convert them into an eBook or an expanded post. When compiling them into an eBook, use the individual posts as chapters. Then, simply add an introduction and a conclusion to the posts and publish as an eBook.
When publishing an eBook, you could either sell your eBooks through an online publishing site, such as Amazon, or use them as a free offer on your landing pages.
Instead of compiling multiple posts, you could convert an individual post into a new format. For example, take an old post and record a short video, using the post as your guideline for the content of the video.
The creation of videos isn’t your only option for this method. You could create podcasts or infographics. Think about the content of your post and which formats it would be best suited for.
Convert a Numbered List into Multiple Posts
The next option is to take a numbered list article and convert into multiple posts. For example, if you’ve got an article that contains numbered tips, create a full article out of each tip.
Expand on these points to create a detailed article. A numbered list article with 7 tips will become 7 separate articles.
Use a Combination of These Tips
You can even use a combination of these methods. For example, you could expand a numbered list and then convert it into an eBook. Or, you could update your content before compiling into a new format.
The bottom line is that you don’t need to let your old content get wasted. Just because it’s old doesn’t mean that you can’t use it again. Just think of how you can repurpose it to get more use out of it.
Along with these suggestions, if you’d like to have access to more powerful marketing tips, as well as a solution for generating conversion-ready internet marketing prospects each month, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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