Monday 6 February 2017

5 Ways to Personalize Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Using a personalised approach to your marketing strategy can help increase conversions and boost customer retention. Though, this isn’t always easy. You need to consider every stage of your sales funnel, from emails to landing pages.

We’ll cover each of these areas and show you how to personalise your digital marketing strategy.
Create a Buyer Persona
The first step is to create a buyer persona. You want to start the personalisation before you even capture your customer’s name and information. This is done with a buyer persona, which is basically an outline of your typical customer.
The information used in a buyer persona includes age, location, income level, occupation, interests, hobbies, and any other details that you want to include. You can get as detailed as you want. The main idea is to create an image in your head of the type of customer that you want to attract.
You’ll use this buyer persona throughout your marketing campaign. You can even create multiple personas, each with their own campaign.
Customise Your Landing Pages
Once you’ve created your buyer personas, you can begin incorporating this into your landing pages and other marketing material. Basically, whenever you create content, imagine that you are speaking directly to the buyer persona that you created.
You’ll be surprised by how effective this step is. It helps you stick to your main point and address issues that your buyer cares about. Overall, this helps increase your conversion rates, after a visitor lands on a landing page.
So, starting with the title of your landing page, think about what it takes to grab the attention of the buyer that you created. What is the main problem that they face that your product or service addresses? Come up with a catchy title that directly speaks to this fear or issue.
This same practice can be applied to all your marketing content. In addition to landing pages, you’ll use your buyer persona when creating targeted ads, social media posts, and blog articles.
Create Personalised Email Campaigns
The next step uses real personalisation. Here’s where you’ll actually use your potential customer’s name in the content. Using an email marketing program or software, you can easily set the campaign to automatically insert the subscriber’s name into the email or subject line.
In addition to inserting their name into the email, remember to write the body of the email while focusing on your buyer persona.
Also, you can use this opportunity to provide product or service recommendations based on their past purchases or the pages that they’ve visited. The recommendations provide a simple solution for personalising your marketing efforts.
Use Location-Based Advertising and Marketing
By tracking the physical location of your visitors, you can direct them to pages or content that’s geared towards a specific market.
For example, visitors from Maine may not have the exact same interests as visitors from Florida. You could use to offer different products or simply incorporate different manner of speech that appeals to a specific region.
Use Personalised Surveys to Learn More
The final step is to use personalised surveys to learn more about the interests of your customers. This offers two major benefits. These surveys help build trust with your customers, due to the fact that you’re showing them that you care about their interests and needs.
In addition to building trust, it also provides you with valuable insight. You’ll be able to learn more about their specific needs and desires, which can be used to enhance your marketing content or revise your buyer personas.
Personalising your digital marketing strategy can be difficult, but it is definitely beneficial. It’s an extra step with major rewards. If you’d like to have access to more powerful marketing tips and suggestions, as well as a way to gain conversion-ready internet marketing prospects each month, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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