Monday 28 November 2016

3 Tips For Generating Leads

Are you doing everything possible to get your visitors to subscribe?

You created unique content and sent the traffic, but those stubborn visitors of yours still aren't subscribing? Well, here are a couple things you ought to try. They are simple and straight to the point.

1. Insert subscriber boxes in headers, footers, and sidebars of EVERY page.

The more your subscriber box is placed on a page, the better. There are certain spots that the average visitor, of your page, will look. Normally, they will look at your logo, menu, and the login area if you have one. Try placing your subscriber box in these key areas to generate more leads.

2. Outline the box in red

I recently read an article about Facebook advertisement and how to increase the click-through rate of your ads. It said that if you outline your ad in red or any other bright, attention-grabbing color, it would increase the click-through rate of your ad. This tip seemed rhetorical and I thought, "why didn't I think of that?" You are probably thinking the same... Anyways, I added a red outline around my Facebook banner ad, and sure enough, it increased my click-through rates. As you may have predicted, I applied this same concept to my subscriber boxes and it worked! Try it!

3. Send targeted traffic
If you are one of those people that believe in "the more, the merrier" when it comes to sending traffic to your website, then you probably are also seeking ways to increase your conversions. I don't know what you may have heard, but the last thing you want to do is send people, who are not interested in your offer, to your site. Work on sending ONLY those who are passionate about your niche. This will not only increase your conversions, but your "opt in"/ subscriber rate as well giving you more quality leads.

4. *Bonus*

I enjoy providing value to my viewers, so I tend to over deliver. While writing this article for you, I also thought of one more tip. Here it is...

To generate more leads it is important to let your viewers know where to go to subscribe, and also what information they will miss out on if they don't. You can do so by simply referring to it in your posts, as well as, adding a call to action.

To people like you and I, who created the page, it can seem like a given to know where the subscriber box is and what information it has to offer. Remember to take a moment to step into your viewer's shoes. You will be surprised of the things you think of to enhance your business.

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