Thursday 31 August 2017

How to Increase Conversions with Discounts and Promotions

If you aren’t able to generate conversions from your landing pages, there are some simple ways to turn things around. After evaluating your pages, if you can’t find a solution, then consider offering discounts and special promotions.

Consumers Expect Deals and Special Offers

We’re living in a world where consumers expect to receive deals and special offers everywhere that they go. One study found that about 50 percent of consumers will not make a purchase online if they don’t get a discount.
Immediately cutting off half of your market base isn’t an effective way to run a marketing plan. Luckily, adding special offers isn’t a difficult process.
There are many types of deals and promotions that you could use. The majority of these steps requires very little work and are easy to implement. This includes:
  • Free shipping
  • Discount codes
  • Free gifts with purchase
  • Pop-up exit offers
  • Exclusive content
Using these simple promotions, you can quickly see an uptick in conversion rates. If you can drop your bounce rate by 2% and increase your conversion rates by 2%, you’ll increase sales by 10%. Those are numbers that any entrepreneur can enjoy.

Free Shipping

Free shipping is one of the most common deals available on websites. You should decide whether you want to offer free shipping on everything or free shipping on orders over a set value. For example, you could offer free shipping when a customer spends more than $50.
Another option is to offer free shipping on all items. When you offer free shipping on everything, you can factor a portion of the shipping costs into the price of your products.
The only problem with free shipping is that it doesn’t apply to digital products. So, if you’re involved in digital sales, you’ll need to explore the other options.

Discount Codes

Discount codes are also effective for boosting sales. You can pass these codes out through social media or other marketing campaigns. As with free shipping, you don’t need to spend anything to include this deal.
Though, you’ll need a payment gateway that accepts discount codes. If your current gateway doesn’t support coupons or discount codes, you should look for a different gateway.

Free Gifts with Purchase

Free gifts could include just about anything. You could include tangible items or digital goods. Free gifts are easy to promote. You let your visitors know that if they act now, they can ensure they receive their free gifts before this special promotion ends.

Exclusive Content

Exclusive content applies to any media that you can give your customers that are not readily available elsewhere. Examples include eBooks, video content, member-only web pages, downloadable media, and any other digital goods.
There are numerous plug-ins available for providing download codes to digital content. This keeps people from sharing the download link with others.

Pop-Up Exit Offers

The final method is to include a pop-up exit offer. These simple pop-ups are used to try and get visitors that are about to leave your site. The pop-up is triggered when they attempt to close the tab in their web browser. This gives you one last chance to get their sale by offering a special offer or discount.
You can incorporate as many different discounts and promotions as you’d like. Though, you should probably keep it simple. Choose one or two discounts per marketing campaign. You don’t want to have to focus on too many different metrics and variables at the same time.

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