Monday 5 June 2017

Using A/B Split Testing to Increase Conversion Rates on Landing Pages

If you’ve ever used an email marketing campaign to promote your business, then you’ve probably used A/B split testing. It’s a common method for testing the effectiveness of different calls to action, headlines, subject lines, and other variables.
You can use these same methods to test your landing pages. If you feel that your landing pages are not converting, then use A/B split testing to determine the what needs fixing. Get started with these easy to follow steps for A/B split testing to boost the conversion rates of your landing pages.
Decide What Variable You Want to Test
The very first step is deciding which variable you want to test. Only test one variable at a time, such as a call to action or your primary header. If you make more than one change, it’s hard to analyze the results of your split testing. Only choose one variable to change and only run one test a time.
After choosing a variable, create two separate versions of your landing page. Make a note of the date that you made the changes so that you’ll be able to analyze the results at a later date.
Link to the Two Versions of Your Landing Page
Whichever marketing channels you’re using to direct traffic to your landing page, create two separate versions linking to both versions of your landing page. For example, if you’re using PPC advertising, create two separate ads. The ads should be identical other than the URL of the landing page.
If you’re using email marketing, then send out two separate emails, linking to the two different versions of your landing page. As with the PPC ads, the emails should be identical other than the link in your call to action.
Analyze the Results of Your Test
The amount of time that you should wait before analyzing the results of your test will depend on how much traffic your website receives. If you receive hundreds of visitors per day, then you can analyze your results after several days. Though, if you get less traffic, you may have to wait for one week or longer.
In order to analyze the results, you’ll need some form of analytics software, such as Google Analytics. Look at the statistics for your two landing pages. Don’t pay attention to the total visits. You should only look at percentages.
Focus on the conversion rates for the two pages and the bounce rate. Determine which version of the landing page had a higher conversion rate. Consider the differences between your two pages. Whichever page performed better, implement the changes to the other page. You can now perform your next test.
Continue Performing Tests to Tweak Your Landing Pages
After you complete your first test, you can continue performing A/B split testing to tweak your landing pages. You can perform as many tests you’d like, learning from the experience and discovering what works best.
Once you have perfected your header and call to action, you could consider testing the structure of your text or the content on your page. You can also test the images that you use, the color scheme of the landing pages, and any other variables that can impact the performance of your landing pages.
A/B split testing isn’t complicated. You just need to remember to focus on one variable at a time. Wait for the results and make changes based on the outcome. Use what you learn to increase your conversion rates and make your landing pages more effective.
You can begin using these methods now or if you’d prefer additional internet marketing solutions, then click on the following link to learn more about my done-for-you system.

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