Tuesday 14 March 2017

How to Boost Your YouTube Video Views and Conversion Rates

If you’re not already using video marketing to acquire new customers, then you’re missing out. Video drives traffic and provides higher engagement rates.
You can use video to showcase customer testimonials, product details, or demos. It’s a simple way to communicate your message in a format that people enjoy. In fact, internet users on mobile devices tend to prefer video over text.
In order to drive traffic to your site from a video on YouTube or posted to social media, you need to have a clear goal. You need to decide on what you’re trying to accomplish.
After you’ve set your goal and created your video, there are a few steps you can take to boost conversion rates and get more views.
Choose the Right Thumbnail
Perhaps the most important element of your video is the thumbnail. This is the first thing that most people will see when your video appears in a search result. More than anything else, this determines whether someone chooses to click play.
When you upload a video to YouTube, you can choose a thumbnail from a selection of screen grabs. Instead of using these random images, you should take the time to create your own.
Make sure that the thumbnail is a clear image. Place the title or a relevant keyword over the image, so that anyone that sees the thumbnail immediately knows what your video is about.
Use a Consistent Brand Image
It always helps to establish a brand image, when you’re trying to make money online. Even if you’re selling affiliate products, having an identifiable brand helps you attract more leads.
In keeping with this concept, you should use a consistent brand image across your website, social media profiles, and the use of video.
For example, if you use specific colors on your website and social media profile, then incorporate these same colors in your video. You can insert title cards between scenes or on-screen messages using a theme that matches your brand.
Pay Attention to the Video Length
Viewer engagement peaks at 2-minutes and then starts to drop. So, you’ll want to keep most of your videos to 2-minutes or less. Generally, the only time that you want to create longer videos is when you have more information to provide.
For promotional videos and testimonials, shorter is better. Use these short videos to enhance your landing pages. Instead of just showing quotes from customers, show their video testimonial. Showcase the features of the product or service that you’re selling.
Include a Clear Call to Action
The final step in boosting conversions from videos is to include a call to action. You need a call to action to let people know what to do next. Though, most people make the mistake of placing the call to action at the end of the video.
You should actually place a call to action toward the middle of your video. The CTA could appear as an on-screen annotation or an embedded text overlay. Then, include another call to action at the end.
Make sure that your CTA is clear and direct. Remember that it needs to describe an action, such as “call me, book an appointment, click this link, complete this form, order today, or visit this page.”
Increasing video conversions begins with the thumbnail. This grabs attention. Then, you need to think about branding, video length, and your call to action. In addition to these steps, don’t forget to include the appropriate metadata, such as an attention-grabbing title and an informative description.
Along with these suggestions, if you want to get more marketing tips and a way to generate your own conversion-ready marketing prospects, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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