Tuesday 28 February 2017

Boost Your Sales with Highly Effective Social Media Posting Strategies

The importance of social media should never be ignored, when it comes to internet marketing. Every online business needs to have a social media marketing plan in place. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your products or services.
If you’re struggling to make good use of your social media marketing, then you need to rethink your current strategy.
Set Goals and Objectives for Your Social Media Campaign
The first step is setting goals and objectives for your social media campaign. You need to decide what you want to get out of your marketing campaign. Set clearly defined goals, such as increasing your sales by a certain percentage or gaining more traffic to your landing page.
After setting your goals, don’t forget to implement a way of tracking these goals. Analytics software will help you keep track. Pay attention to your referral traffic that comes from your social media accounts.
Create a Schedule for Your Social Media Posts
Consider the frequency of your social media posts. Whether you have an employee that handles social media posting or if you handle it yourself, set a schedule for these posts.
If you look at the major players in your industry, you’ll see that they post daily, sometimes even several times per day. At the very least, you should post once per day, Monday through Friday.
In addition to posting daily, you should post around the same time each day. Find out which times your target audience is most likely to check their social media accounts.
Some people check their accounts throughout the day. But, the best times are between 1 and 4 in the afternoon in the time zone that you’re targeting. This peaks at 3PM on Wednesdays.
It can be hard to come up with a new post each day. Plan your posts in advance. If you post once per day, Monday through Friday, then come up with 5 posts on Monday that you can use throughout the week. This makes it easy to stick to your schedule.
You Need to Create a Balance Between Sales Pitches and Helpful Content
If you only post about your products and services, no one is going to want to follow your social media profiles. They’ll either ignore these posts or unfollow you. That’s why you need a balance between sales pitches and helpful content.
The majority of your posts should contain helpful information that you believe your followers will enjoy. This could include tips and suggestions related to your industry or in some way connected to your products or services.
Limit your sales pitches to about 20 percent of your posts. This means that out of every 10 posts, only 2 should be focused on directly promoting a product or service. The rest should be geared towards informative content, such as blog posts, tutorials, and videos.
Look at What Other People Are Doing on Social Media
Finding out what your competition is doing is always a smart idea. Visit the social media accounts of your main competitors and leaders in your field. Look at the type of content that they post, how often they post, and the interactions that they have with their followers.
You should check these accounts regularly. Every couple of weeks, see what your competition is doing. This could help you stay on track and remain focused on your primary goals.
If you want to boost sales through social media marketing, you need to develop an effective plan. Put these tips together in order to improve your social media posting strategy.
Along with social media posting strategies, if you’d like additional marketing tips, along with a solution for generating conversion-ready internet marketing prospects, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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