Wednesday 26 April 2017

How to Create an Emotional Response with Video Marketing

How to Create an Emotional Response with Video Marketing 
Video content is an important part of internet marketing strategies. They help keep visitors engaged. It’s been found that consumers are more likely to retain information obtained from a video than information that they read.
When creating video content, being able to create an emotional response helps your content connect with viewers. They become more interested in your content and they’re more likely to move onto the next step in your marketing approach.
Here’re some of the most effective emotional triggers for video content marketing.
Using Fear in Video Content
Fear is one of the biggest motivators. You can see this in action in commercials and video content for insurance companies, law firms, and other service-based businesses. The idea of using fear is to give viewers the idea that they need a particular service or product or else something bad could happen.
Fear is most effective when there is a real danger involved. For example, you wouldn’t use fear when marketing a toy or a video game.
The Power of Guilt
Guilt is closely associated to fear. Though, it’s used in a different manner. You can often see guilt at play in content for non-profit organizations. As an example, you can watch almost any video for animal shelters, feeding the poor, and other aid organizations, and see examples of guilt being used to illicit a response.
Instant Gratification for Immediate Action
Instant gratification can be used to create a sense of urgency. This compels viewers to take immediate action. This may help with impulse decisions. Using trigger phrase such as “act now” or “limited time only” can increase conversion rates for sales, deals, and special promotions.
Create a Sense of Belonging
Another commonly used emotional trigger is creating a sense of belonging. Most people don’t like to be alone. Letting consumers know that they’ll be part of a family encourages them to take action. This type of emotional trigger is often used for service-based products.
Creating a sense of belonging can also be beneficial for helping to build a community. If you’re looking to get people to join your community, let potential members know that by joining your community they will be part of a family.
Competition and Leadership in Video Content
Some people like to be the first to try something. This can give people a sense of importance, leadership, and can be used to appeal to their competitive nature. Performance products are often marketed in this manner. As an example, athletic shoes may claim to help you jump higher, run faster, and generally excel at a particular sport.
A Few Suggestions About Choosing an Emotional Trigger
You should be careful when choosing an emotional trigger. By making the wrong choice, you could end up alienating a portion of your target audience. Obviously, you can’t appeal to everyone at the same time. But, you should do your best to avoid upsetting anyone.
Unless you’re going after a specific demographic, you should avoid attempting anything too wild or crazy. You should stick with the triggers that you’d like to see in a video for your content. You want to elicit a specific reaction to encourage viewers to take action.
People are bombarded with commercials and video content every day. In order to cut through all of these messages, your video needs to create an emotional response. This not always easy. But, if you take the time to consider the emotional triggers discussed, you’ll be off to a good start.
Consider the emotional triggers discussed the next time you create video content for your business. Along with emotional triggers for video content, there are many other ways to grab people’s attention. For additional ideas on how to do this, you may benefit by learning more about my done-for-you system.

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