Saturday 21 January 2017

Increase Your Online Exposure Without Increasing Your Budget

When you’re first starting out, every dollar that you spend on online marketing matters. You likely have multiple goals. You want to gain website traffic, increase your social media followers, and build your online reputation.
All these goals can be achieved with good marketing strategies. But, you might be able to speed up the process by increasing your online exposure. With brand recognition, it becomes easier to gain traction and get your foot through the door of your target market.
I’ll give you a few simple tips that you can use to increase your online exposure without having to increase your marketing budget. 
Use Consistent Branding
If you want people to recognize your brand, you need to be consistent with your branding. This means using the same logo on your website and social media profiles. Anywhere that your logo or business branding appears, you should use the exact same image.
You want to ensure that people realize that your website and your social media profiles are one and the same. They aren’t two separate individuals or businesses.
So, your YouTube profile, Facebook profile, Twitter, and other platforms should all use the same profile image and it should include the same branding that appears on your website.
Gain More Social Media Followers
Once your branding is in place, you should focus on gaining more social media followers. It doesn’t cost a dime to share content on social media. Monday through Friday, you should post at least twice per day on each of your social media accounts.
This means that you’ll be posting at least 10 times per week. But, you don’t need to worry about creating 10 original posts. 8 of these posts will come from other sources, such as industry-leading blogs and news sites.
Also, become active on social media. Interact with your followers. Share personal stories. Engage your audience and join communities. This all helps you gain followers without having to pay for marketing.
Start Creating High-Quality Blog Posts
Sharing content on social media should help you gain followers. It’s difficult at first, but once you pass 100 followers, it’ll become easier. Then, start creating high-quality blog posts.
You’ll already have a schedule in place for sharing 8 pieces of curated content on social media. For the remaining 2 posts, share links to your original content. The followers that you’ve gained will share these posts, increasing your online exposure without requiring any additional spending. 
Write Guest Blog Posts for Other Sites
After you get the hang of writing quality blog posts for your own website, start submitting guest blog posts to other sites. Look for websites that get a lot of traffic. Getting a guest blog posted on one of these sites will increase your online presence and help you establish yourself as a voice of authority.
Share Your Opinion with Everyone
The final step for increasing your online exposure without increasing your budget is to share your opinion with everyone. What I mean by this is that you need to comment on blog posts, comment on social media posts, answer questions on Q&A websites, and become active on relevant forums.
Blog and forum commenting can help you earn backlinks, increasing your search engine rankings. Commenting on social media or answering questions on Q&A websites can help you get noticed. These steps build backlinks, increase recognition, and could help you gain more followers.
You can increase your online exposure without spending additional money. It all starts with consistent branding. Then, focus on social media. Once you gain followers, start generating quality content and sharing it.
Use these tips to start increasing your online exposure. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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