Monday 14 August 2017

How To Marry Your Offline Marketing Strategies With Your Online Marketing Efforts

Because so many people make use of the internet for basically anything you can think of, the offline side of marketing efforts is often overlooked. While the use of the internet for putting your business out there guarantees global reach, and visibility, there are many other tactics you may want to try that can give you an added push and of course, be profitable. Making physical connections with people is a vital part of the business building process, and should not be side-stepped when trying to grow your business.

In fact, combining offline and online strategies, produces the perfect marriage of forces to drive your business forward.

Make Use of Trade Shows and Expos

You can actually search online to see which trade shows related to your field of business you could take part in. You could split the cost of a display space with another business to minimize your costs.
Even if you decide not to exhibit via a booth or table display, you need to be prepared so that you can garner leads through this medium. Making use of print media through flyers and business cards which you can personally hand to patrons, is a great step toward building your network.

Volunteer for Local Projects or Causes

Making yourself visible in your community is an excellent way to put your business name out there and get noticed. When you share your knowledge base with others, while giving of your time in local charities and events, this certainly helps boost your visibility. It fosters their trust in you, boosts your credibility and gives you a business edge.

Utilize the Press

There are many local talk shows, whether on the radio or on television, who’ll welcome the opportunity to interview local entrepreneurs. Do your research to find ones which air at a time when audience reach would be greatest and also has good viewership or listenership. This is your opportunity to introduce a lot of people to your business, so represent yourself well and really sell your business and you’d be surprised how well leads are generated from this method.
You can also make use of the printed press. They are also usually very open to doing write ups on local entrepreneurs, providing background information and of course, your business information. This is an excellent opportunity to direct attention to your online business and create further traffic.
You may also choose to pay for advertising slots in local papers if you determine that reaching their target audience will also translate into reaching yours as well.

Leveraging Networking

Making connections with other business owners through associations or other groups gives you the distinct advantage of being able to make valuable business contacts. Having a direct link to these movers and shakers in the business world and being able to reference them, with their permission, in your business transactions, will give your credibility an added boost.

The Bottom Line

You need not invest all of your time and efforts solely into internet marketing. Some of the greatest impact that has been made by successful businesses is through person to person contact. When they see you as not just a virtual entity but as a real individual behind a business, it really helps to make an impression and every business needs to cater to the different types of customers out there.
You also don’t need to think of this method as a replacement for internet marketing. Rather see it as a beautiful opportunity to support and create synergy with what you’ve already been doing. Having a foot in two doors is much more prudent than limiting all your lead generation prospects to a single method or platform.

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