Tuesday 22 August 2017

Content You Didn’t Know You Had and How to Use It

Content marketing is extremely important when it comes to navigating the online world. Knowing which content to market and how is equally as important.
From social media to blogging, it is crucial for a business to establish its identity and find elements that express it properly. Content that is relatable and can be easily shared will take your campaigns from good to great.
How do you stay Google-relevant while maintaining a unique content marketing strategy? Read on for strategies that will enhance your next campaign.

Move past corporatization

Now more than ever, businesses have an all-access pass to their audiences. There’s no need to have a wall between corporate and the customers. Forming real relationships with the people who love you brand will not only keep them coming back, but attract others as well.
Your customers need to know that you are people just like them. Your business should express the passion that you and your employees have for what you do.
Remove the veil of mystery of your business and be more open with your customers. How do you turn openness into content?
  • Utilize social media accounts such as Twitter and Instagram to give a behind-the-scenes look at the work your company is doing
  • Confront rumors and myths through transparent and honest videos that allow your customers to interact and get involved in the process
Don’t be afraid to share those photos of late-night work sessions. Answer the questions that your customers have.
If you think that coming out and talking about some of the issues your company has, take this opportunity to address these issues and let people know you’re working on it.
Just because you’re marketing online doesn’t mean your company should get lost behind the internet. Show your customers real faces and establish trust.

Be more than just a brand

It’s one thing to sell a product and another to sell a lifestyle. Content marketing that offers a lifestyle through their products makes their products need, not just wanted.
Instead of beginning with a product, start with your targeted customer. Ask yourself the following questions when developing a targeted customer profile:
  • What is their life like at this moment, without your product(s)?
  • How would their life be better with your product(s)?
  • How does using your product make them part of a different class?
Think about how your product will fit seamlessly into the life of your targeted customer. Tailor your content to an individual customer rather than your brand.
Cater to your customers by:
  • Engaging with unexpected topics
  • Put forward content that creates unique experiences—videos, product presentation
  • Strive to work with like-minded collaborators
  • Targeting their personalities from music tastes to fashion interests
This strategy will require more care than simply posting a somewhat-relevant blog or barely meaningful photos. Dig deep into the psyche of your customer and use your content to reach them there.

Let your followers share their story

Your followers are a big part of your success. Without them, no one’s buying your products, sharing your videos, or reading your blogs.
Content that evokes emotion through relatable or provocative stories invited audiences to share such an experience. Of course, these stories need to be real, genuine, and purposeful.
Companies that are genuine in their aim to support their customers and hear their story will be successful. Letting followers be a part of the story by sharing their experiences and attracting likeminded people will build community amongst your customers.
Create a platform where your followers can share their experiences. Be it a forum, a video-sharing challenge, or a hashtag, give your followers a chance to connect with you and others.
Knowing how your customers use your product is valuable insight that can be used to deliver creative content. Content that captures attention, is relatable, and is easy to share will take off in virality.
Set your blog, articles, and infographics apart by:
  • Sharing information on general personal habits of your customers – people love reading about themselves!
  • Integrating attractive, original photos from your followers – stock photos are a turn off
There are variety of resources for your company to create content from. If your business has customers, that means you have just as many stories, photos, and knowledge to share that will express your love of what you do.
Showing your customers that you are more than just a company will take you a long way. 

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