Monday 15 May 2017

How to Use eBooks to Improve Brand Awareness and Boost Sales

There are many different marketing channels and strategies for reaching as many potential customers as possible. But, how do you know which ones to use? In the past few years, a couple of options have become popular solutions for increasing brand awareness. This includes the use of video and eBooks.
Both video production and the release of eBooks can help you reach a larger portion of the public. They also provide an opportunity for providing potential customers with beneficial information. If you want to learn more about the use of eBooks for marketing, then use the following tips and suggestions.
Choose a Relevant Topic for Your eBook
The first step is choosing the right topic for your eBook. You’ll want to write about something that you understand and that’s relevant to the products or services that you sell. You can get some ideas by searching for eBooks related to your industry.
Try to find topics that haven’t been widely covered. If you can’t find a topic that hasn’t been thoroughly discussed, then come up with a way to cover the topic from a new perspective. You can search Google or eBook websites to get some examples.
Create an eBook from Your Existing Content
Another solution for finding a topic is to create an eBook from your existing content. Use analytics software to determine which of your blog posts received the most attention. This includes the blog posts that received the most comments and most shares.
Choose several blog posts related to a similar topic. Organize the posts in an order that makes sense to a reader and then provide additional information. You can use your existing blog posts as the basis for the layout and structure of your eBook and then expand upon the ideas presented in the posts.
Decide How You Want to Distribute Your eBook
Along with creating an eBook, you’ll need to decide how you want to distribute the eBook. You can distribute your eBook through Amazon, Apple iBook store, or other popular sites. Another option is to distribute the eBook yourself.
You can create a PDF and use the eBook as an incentive to join your subscriber list or complete another desired action. You can find free tools for converting your text document into a PDF for release as an eBook.
The distribution method that you choose will depend on your goals. If you want to build brand awareness, then online distribution through an eBook store will be beneficial. If you want to increase your subscriber list or include a promotion to increase sales, then you should consider self-distribution.
Make Sure You Format Your eBook Properly
Once you’ve written your eBook, or paid a ghost writer to write the eBook, make sure that it’s formatted properly. If you’re going to publish your eBook through Amazon or other popular eBook sites, you can download their provided templates.
If you’re self-distributing your eBook, then make sure that the final copy is readable through a standard PDF reader on desktops and tablets.
Send Out Free Copies of Your eBook
As a final step for using your eBook to improve conversion rates and boost sales, you could send out free copies of your eBook. You could give your eBook away from a download link included in emails or through the website that will be distributing your eBook – if you chose to use Amazon or Apple.
Sending your eBook to influential people in your industry could give you positive taglines or reviews to include in your marketing material and possibly help generate some quality backlinks.
The use of eBook as a marketing tool shouldn’t be overlooked. It is a great way to build brand awareness and establish yourself as an industry leader. It is also a cost-effective marketing approach. If you need help, there are many reputable firms that will handle the creation of an eBook on any topic.
Start thinking about the topic for your first eBook. Choose a topic that you’re knowledgeable about. The topic you choose should be relevant to your industry. For additional tips and suggestions for improving your marketing efforts, click on the following link to learn more about lead generation and my done-for-you system.

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