Thursday 11 May 2017

How to Perform Market Research to Improve Conversion Rates

Without market research, how do you know if you’re effectively reaching your target audience? Market research gives you a clear indication of what your customers are looking for. It helps you address the needs of your market base.
With proper market research, you can tweak your marketing campaign to more effectively entice potential customers. If you want to improve conversion rates, then market research is the best place to start. Here are some suggestions for including market research in your marketing efforts.
Performing Primary Market Research
You’ll begin your market research by looking at the practices that you already have in place. There are multiple ways to gather the information that you’ll need. You can perform telephone interviews or send out a survey or questionnaire to your email subscriber list.
You should ask your customers or subscribers questions related to your products or services. This could include asking about their likes and dislikes or any ideas that they have for improving your products or services.
Primary market research is intended to give you a better indication of the wants and needs of your customers. You can use this when developing or updating your products or services.
Performing Secondary Market Research
Secondary market research refers to information that you gather from other sources. This could include reports from various organisations. Look for consumer reports related to your industry. Find out who your biggest competition is and the total sales in your industry the previous year.
With secondary market research, you can determine what percentage of the market you’ve reached. This gives you a better idea of how much room there is for growth in your industry.
Putting Your Research Together
After you have finished your primary and secondary market research, it’s time to put it all together. Use a single text document or spreadsheet to record your notes and compile all the information that you’ve gathered.
When evaluating your market research, you are looking for trends. This includes common responses from your surveys and questionnaires and common practices being employed by your competition. Using these two areas, you can begin implementing changes in your marketing practices.
Target the Needs and Interests of Your Customers
Use the suggestions provided by your customers to develop more effective calls to action and headers. Come up with ways to use your products or services to address their primary needs and interests. You’ll find it easier to create content, products, and services that appeal to your market base.
Follow the Lead of Your Competitors
You can also look at your competition and ensure that you are using the most effective marketing channels. You should follow their lead, but avoid copying the actions of your competitors.
For example, if they’re relying on email marketing as their main approach for increasing their sales then make sure that you’re using email marketing. Tailor your marketing campaigns to include the marketing channels used by your competition.
Perform Market Research Regularly
Market research isn’t a task that you perform once. Depending on the size of your market, you may want to perform this research every quarter – or at least every year. This ensures your research is fresh and keeps you on the right track.
Market research allows you to explore all of your options. You can learn more about your target audience. This will help you to create better content and more effective advertisements. By taking the time to include market research in your marketing plans, you can easily begin increasing conversion rates.
Thanks for reading and good luck with your research. If you’d like to receive more internet marketing tips and solutions for lead generation, then click on the following link to learn more about my done-for-you system.

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