Friday 3 March 2017

Choosing a Domain Name that Actually Helps Increase Sales

The domain name that you use says a lot about your business. First, it should help identify what industry you’re involved in. Customers shouldn’t have to guess what you sell. The right name should also be easy to remember and promote a sense of trust.
While choosing a domain name may seem like a simple step, you should put thought into this decision. Here are some suggestions for choosing a domain name that actually helps increase your sales.
The Basics of Choosing the Right Domain Name
There are some specific tips for finding the right domain name, but you’ll first need to understand the basics of choosing a name. This includes a few simple rules that everyone should follow when deciding on a domain name. A domain name should be:
  • Easy for people to read
  • Short and to the point
  • Registered with a .COM extension
  • Original and not similar to your competition
  • Easy to remember and recognizable
Make sure your domain name is easy to read. This means avoiding the use of hyphens. You should also avoid using numerals to represent letters. While this may seem clever, not everyone will understand your domain name.
You should also keep your domain name short. This’ll make it easier for your visitors to remember your domain name. In case they forget to bookmark your site, they’ll easily be able to find your site again.
Coming up with an original name will also help visitors remember your site. It should not be too similar to any of your competition. Keep it original and unique.
Even though there are plenty of extensions available, the .COM extension remains your best option. There’s really no advantage to choosing one extension over another. Except for the fact that people are familiar with the .COM extension.
So, in order to help make your domain memorable, it’s safer to simply choose a .COM.
Don’t Focus on the Inclusion of Keywords
You should only include keywords in your domain name if it makes sense. Don’t try to fit a relevant keyword in your domain simply for the sake of including a keyword. This process no longer carries the same weight that it did several years ago.
Though, if you’re able to include a relevant keyword while following the basic tips listed above, then go for it. It can still help with your SEO. But, don’t expect a significant gain just because you have a keyword in your domain name.
Don’t Forget to Research Your Domain Name Ideas
Before settling on a name, search for the name to see if any similar names show up in the search results. You don’t want to compete with an established website for the name of your business. Again, this goes back to the previous point of choosing an original name.
If an internet user types in the name of your business and multiple websites offering similar services show up, they may not end up going to your site. Perform some research and search for any names similar to your chosen name.
If you find similar results and are set on your chosen name, then make sure the other business is involved in a different industry.
Don’t Make Any Other Decisions Until You Get a Domain Name
Until you have chosen your domain name, you should hold off on any purchase, services, or steps in marketing your business that requires you to include the name of your business.
In the event that the name you choose is already taken, you need to be able to choose another name.
You should remain flexible with your name until you actually pay for the domain. Hold off on branding, marketing, and advertising until you finalize the purchase of the domain name.
Remember these tips when choosing a domain name for your business. Once you start setting up your website, you’ll need marketing tips to help you succeed. Discover the best advice, along with a way to generate conversion-ready marketing leads every month. Click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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